Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas break

Admittedly I have been lax in my blog posting duties. If anyone out there is still listening (doubtful I know) then I promise you to double the number of my posts inside of the next month. I realize that this isn't much of a promise since that averages out to like a post every two days... and I can and might do them all at once if I get too far behind but I am going to be taking considerably fewer hours of school this semester. I haven't really had time to post during the break because my dad has been in the hospital and that combined with the regular holiday madness has consumed my time.


Boom said...

SO NaBloPoMo failed. How about NaNoWriMo? And 2x0=0=> not much improvement.

Yasmeen said...


Anonymous said...

You're still not writing anything. We're waiting...

ma~ said...

Ahem I am moved, I have an audience I don't know why I have an audience but... I am amazed that anyone is still here.